Define behavior – page 01
Begin your definition by using verbs to answer at least one of these three questions:
1. What observable movement occurs?
How does the student’s body part(s) specifically move? Examples:
- Pushes arm and open hand from own chest to back of peer.
- Hand moves pen/pencil on worksheet.
- “Reading” may be defined as:
- moving eyes (and finger) across the page, words, pictures, diagrams, etc.
- turning pages
2. What sound is produced or occurs as a result of the behavior?
What can be heard when the behavior occurs? Examples:
- Says “teacher, teacher!” loudly (can be heard through closed door in next room).
- Pops chewing gum (pop sound is audible from 10 feet or more).
3. What lasting (permanent) product is left?
What physical change to the environment happens? Examples:
- Letters or numbers are written on the worksheet.
- Pages are torn.
- Chair or desk is tipped on side.
For some behaviors, it may be possible to answer 2 or more questions.
- Example 1: The following definition answers questions 1 and 3: moves pen/pencil on worksheet to produce letters or numbers
- Example 2: The following definition answers questions 1 and 3: “Reading” may be defined as moving lips, orally expressing words and phrases
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